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How Your Business Can Keep Your Mobile Workforce Safe

The world is experiencing a standstill in businesses and services, and those who are working as essential services are at risk of getting COVID-19 while on the job. Essential services are exactly that, and so we need to protect staff wherever we can. Health and safety protocols are a must, but what other measures can businesses take to ensure the safety of their staff? How do businesses plan to work during this pandemic?
We have a few key solutions for essential service businesses to protect their mobile workforce and office staff. Eworks Manager’s Field Service Software has helped many companies continue business and services, while still enabling them to work remotely and safely.

Work Remotely

Our Job Management System is cloud-based and can be accessed from any device. This means that your entire business can be run remotely, from home, at the office or in the field. Our software enables you to store all customer information, send quotes and invoices, track your inventory or stock, assign jobs to your mobile workers and track their job progress and where they are. It is important to keep business running at an optimum level during this time, especially when your services are in demand, but it is also important to keep everyone safe.

Go Paperless

By now, we are becoming more aware of germs and need to wash our hands regularly, but have you thought about your paperwork? Strange question, but you need to be aware that the virus can be transmitted by touching surfaces, including paper. Working from a cloud-based mobile system will solve that problem, by eliminating hand-to-hand contact. Eworks can also digitise any documents or certificates for you that you may need for your business. Our software will save you time and paperwork, and give you access to all your important documents from your device. This also applies to your mobile workforce if they need to fill out paperwork on the job.


Eworks Manager has a great Questionnaire feature that allows you to create custom questionnaires or checklists for your mobile workforce onsite. It is a great way to maintain safety protocols and social distancing. For example, you can create a mandatory checklist/questionnaire for every job that your tradies attend and once they are on-site, they need to fill out and sign off the list of questions.
You could create questions like ‘Have you sanitized your hands?’ or ‘Are you fully dressed in your protective wear?’, and the fieldworker would need to answer them before proceeding with the job. The questionnaire will help remind workers to repeat protocols and keep themselves, and your customers safe.

Approval Methods

We are excited about the release of our three new Job Approval Methods! Eworks Manager has just released new ways to approve jobs remotely and digitally. The first one is the SMS Approval Method, which allows you to send an SMS text message to your customer whilst in the field completing a job. Secondly, the Audio Approval Method which allows the customer to record themselves verbally approving your job. This recording will get you 10 seconds of audio, will be uploaded to your job attachments and can be listened to at any time. And lastly, we have developed a new Email Approval Method which allows you to send your customer an email of your recently completed job from the field for their approval. This will allow them to view all job details and sign approval from their email.
These approval methods will allow you to get your jobs approved with ZERO contact.

Keep Your Mobile Workforce Safe with Eworks Manager

Now is the best time to adopt a new system that allows you to work remotely, go paperless, ensure the safety of your tradies and office staff, and stay in contact with your customers. If all the above are appealing to you and you are looking for a safe way to continue business during this pandemic, consider Eworks Manager’s Field Service Software. Start a 14-day free trial of our system, so you can try it out for yourself today!

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